Even the most experienced traveler can deal with chaos before a trip. You lay in bed thinking about everything you packed- did I miss anything, did I overpack, does my bag way too much, do I think I should grab an extra pair of…. You get up the morning of your departure and suddenly can’t remember if you charged your camera battery or have enough cash with you… You get the picture. The days leading up to a trip can fill you with anxiety, and ain’t no body got time for that! Start your trip off on the right foot by using these travel tips….
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8 Travel Tips to Make Your Next Trip a Breeze

1. Count Your Cash
I am the freakin’ queen of the credit card (helllllo points) when I’m traveling, but that doesn’t mean I will travel without some cash. I learned this the hard way in New York City when I was trying to buy some lunch from a food truck… Cash only. Whoops! I encourage everyone to bring some cash with them while traveling… a few small bills for tipping and a little bit extra in case something (heaven forbid) happens with your card. Be sure to get cash from the bank a few days before your trip- or stop by a grocery store and use your debit card. Most places will let you pull out a certain amount of cash as check out. While we’re talking cash… be sure to call your bank and let them know you will be traveling! You don’t want your debit/credit card getting denied because they think it’s a fraud charge.
2. Prepare for Your Pet Sitter
Whether it’s Rover, your friend, a house sitter, your family… make sure your pets are all set for your vacation! Make sure you have enough food + treats to get them through your time away. How awkward would it be to run out of food while you have someone watching your pupper? If your pet sitter hasn’t watched your furry family before, jot down a few things that are important (the more notes you leave, the less you get called about on your trip).
3. Back Up + Charge Your Devices
Back up your phone, I repeat, BACK UP YOUR PHONE. Your whole life is on that thing, what happens if you lost it while traveling, or worse, it was stolen? Make sure your phone, tablet, camera, etc, has been backed up before you leave. Speaking of devices… Don’t forget to charge everything up. I know this seems obvious, but if you haven’t used your camera in awhile and then you go to use it on vacation and find out it’s nearly dead, wouldn’t you be bummed? Or if you have an unexpected layover and your iPad was only half charged? It’s better to be over-prepared than under. I also bring a long-lasting portable charger with us when we travel… One too many delays that left us with two dead iPhones.
4. Check Your Toiletries + Medicine
Do you need to get any refills on your prescriptions before you leave? Is your travel sized shampoo full? Although having pre-packed toiletry travel bags is great, it can backfire if you don’t realize you are out of something! I also recommend you bring some of the basic medicines with you, like Advil for headaches or Tums for upset stomachs.
5. Run Through Your Schedule
Double check what time your flights are… Do you have any connecting flights, or is it non stop? Are you planning to take a Lyft to the airport, or are you parking at the airport? When you arrive to your location, are you renting a car or are you Lyfting around town? Is your hotel booked for the right nights- and what time is check in? Making sure all your I’s are dotted and T’s are crossed will make sure you don’t end up running to the gate, or searching for a last minute place to stay.
6. Pack Your Bags
Don’t wait to pack until the day of your trip (pot calling the kettle black here, I know), even if you have a late flight. Start packing a few days before… I love making lists of what all I’m going to need for a trip. How many outfits, do my shoes require socks, swimsuits or coats, does the weather forecast rain? As the trip gets closer, I grab my suitcase and packing cubes from the storage room and start crossing things off my list. Another pro tip when it comes to packing… Take pictures of your outfits so you know A) everything fits, B) everything looks good as an outfit, C) you have a guide each day of the trip. I also “pack” the items I will wear/need the day of my trip. And by pack, I mean I lay them beside my suitcase so I won’t forget anything.
7. Set Your Alarms
9/10 I fly Southwest, which means I need to check into my flights. Before I leave for any trip I set alarms for flight check ins and for the time I should be leaving to head to the airport. I don’t do these as calendar events, but as true alarms.
8. Get Some Sleep
Get a good nights sleep before you leave for vacation. Even if you are flying somewhere to relax, vacation still takes a lot out of you. No need to start your trip by yawning all day!